To function paladin/squire requires a rewriterule for "friendly uri's" and the "one index to rule them all" approach to development. The following: *** Apache (original, tested) *** RewriteEngine On RewriteRule !(\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|html|txt|ico|zip|rar|pdf|xml|mp3|mp4|mpg|flv|swf|mkv|ogg|avi|woff|woff2|svg|eot|ttf|json|webmanifest)$) index.php Should be added on Apache systems in your hosts file or via .htaccess The following are rough equivalents for other server software. These are untested and would require someone more versed in these systems han I am to test and apply them. ----------------------------------------------- *** Lighttpd (untested) *** # change server.document.root to match your actual install location server.document.root = "/var/web/domain/www" url.rewrite-once = { "(\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|html|txt|ico|zip|rar|pdf|xml|mp3|mp4|mpg|flv|swf|mkv|ogg|avi|woff|woff2|svg|eot|ttf|json|webmanifest)$)" = "/index.php" } ----------------------------------------------- *** ngnix (untested) *** location / { rewrite !(\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|html|txt|ico|zip|rar|pdf|xml|mp3|mp4|mpg|flv|swf|mkv|ogg|avi|woff|woff2|svg|eot|ttf|json|webmanifest)$) /index.php; } ----------------------------------------------- *** Microsoft IIS (untested, likely needs more XML structure!) *** ----------------------------------------------- *** PHP (unwritten) *** PHP has its own server for testing purposes ONLY, that I think can do this using a front controller, but I've got no clue where to start. ----------------------------------------------- If anyone has any ideas on how to take this further or is willing to step up and test it, please visit the general discussion area of our forums.